United Methodist Men
All men of Calvary Church are members of the UMM and are invited to join us. We gather monthly on the third Tuesday evening for dinner at 6:30 pm followed by fellowship, guest speakers and song. As Methodist Men we seek to share our spiritual journey with one another, coming together to encourage one another in faith. We acknowledge that the voyage we make as Christian men is sometimes difficult during both discovery and navigation. Therefore, we meet to offer one another our love, prayers and support. With God’s grace and our mutual accountability, we seek to welcome all, do good works, and witness for Jesus Christ in thought, word and deed. To that end we have raised funds and contributed time and effort to help the needy, the sick, those seeking shelter and mercy, those who have served their country and those who are coming to the end of life’s journey. Please join us on every third Tuesday and for many of the other events listed on this page.
Please contact any of the officers listed below if you would additional information about our goals, events and missions.
President: Tom Scott
Vice President: Bill Lovelace
Treasurer: Ron Stevens
Minister: Rev. Linda W. Motter
Secretary: Bill Taylor
A Partial list of the Fellowships and Projects that are supported:
• Covenant Discipleship; (Three times)
• Appalachia Service Project (Betty Hoepler)
• Pumpkin Patch
• Winter Relief (Claudette Cozad)
• Hospice of the Chesapeake (Bill Lovelace)
• Operation Welcome Home (Dean Scarborough)
• Arundel House of Hope
• We Care and Friends (Ken Forrester)
• Saturday Morning Maintenance Breakfast (Warren Cook 2nd Saturday)