United Women in Faith
Calvary United Methodist Women is a community whose purpose is to know God; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; to provide transformative educational experiences; and to expand concepts of mission through helping women and children. For additional information contact Claudette Cozad. You are welcome to join us in any or all of our activities!
Circle Meetings: Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the monthly Circle meetings.
Harmony Circle meets on the third Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the church parlor.
Friendship Circle meets the third Tuesday at 7:00 pm in the church parlor.
The United Methodist Women of Calvary support the following missions:
Mills Parole Elementary School: The UMW supplies gift cards for uniforms, Thanksgiving food and Christmas Gifts, school supplies, new coats and hats, and volunteer help in the classrooms.
BackPack Buddies feeding elementary school children who may go hungry on the weekends
The Wellness House of Annapolis, helping those touched by cancer
UMCOR with emergency supplies sent world-wide
Projects of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Missions and National Missions
Provide dinners for church groups and various activities
Assist with special requests as required
Kitchen Ministers cater lunches and dinners to outside organizations and for church groups and various activities.
Support our youth by participation in Cookie Factory
Support Winter Relief
Support Lenten Dinners
Support Vacation Bible School
Support our annual Attic Treasures, Pecan sales and Fall Boutique!
Assists with special requests as needed.
Your help is appreciated and contributes to the missions above!