Music & Arts
Calvary United Methodist Church has a long-standing history of music and offers a diverse and energetic music and arts program with opportunities for everyone. For more information, or if you're interested in joining one of our ensembles, please contact Gaby Garzon, Director of Music & Worship.
Children's Choir & Christmas Pageant
We are excited for the return of Children’s Choirs at Calvary! Registration is now open for the 2022-2023 season for K through 5th graders (ages 4-11). Learn to love music and make new friends. No experience necessary.
All children’s choir singers will sing at Christmas and for occasional Sunday services throughout the year.
Rehearsal Day: Sundays (September - May)
Time: 11:15-11:45 AM
Location: Room 219
Director: Melissa Flaherty
For more information, contact Children’s Choir Director, Melissa Flaherty, at melissapflaherty@icloud.com.
Calvary Choir
The Calvary Choir leads 10:00 AM Sunday worship, sharing a diverse repertoire of sacred choral music. The ensemble presents special music during Advent and Easter, and masterwork concerts during the year. The Calvary Choir is non-auditioned and open to anyone. New members are always welcome!
Rehearsal Day: Wednesdays (September - June)
Time: 7:00-8:45 PM
Location: Choir Room (Room 203)
If you are interested in learning more about the Calvary Choir, please contact the Music Department at musicdirector@calumc.org
Calvary Praise Band
The Praise Band includes singers and instrumentalists who lead praise and worship once a month for 10:00 AM Sunday worship. Vocalists and rhythm section of drum, bass, guitar and keyboard players. who enjoy contemporary worship music are welcome to participate!
Rehearsal Day: Thursdays
Time: 7:00 PM-8:15 PM
Location: Sanctuary
Music Director: Gaby Garzon
For more information, please contact the Music Department at musicdirector@calumc.org.
Calvary Ringers
Our Calvary Ringers handbell choir allows you to experience the joy of music and cultivate your God-given talents while ministering to our congregation through handbell and handchime music.
Our handbell choir plays a variety of music in worship and participates in special events at the church and in the local community. This ensemble offers music monthly during 10:00 AM Sunday worship services. Newcomers are always welcome! We’ll teach you how to ring!
Rehearsal Day: Tuesdays
Time: 6:3 PM 0-8:15 PM
Location: Sanctuary
Director: David Rainey
If you would like to learn more and share your musical gifts with the Calvary Ringers, contact David Rainey at raineybuilds@aol.com.