Extended Care
Extended Care is offered to students enrolled in our morning preschool program. Early morning care or afternoon care may be added to a child’s schedule on days that preschool class is attended. Ratios will not exceed 1 teacher for every 10 students.
Extended Care Schedule
7:30 AM
Extended Care Opens
8:45 AM
9:00 AM
Morning class begins with Circle Time activities
12:00 PM
Carpool (Dismissal for students not enrolled in Extended Care)
12:05 PM
Lunch/Library Time
12:30 PM
Outside Recess or Inside Gym
1:00 PM
Small Group Lesson (story, songs, fingerplays, art)
2:00 PM
Bathroom Break/ (bedding on cots)
2:10 PM
Nap/Rest Time
3:10 PM
Wake Up (pack up bedding)
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Free Choice Time/ Play
3:30 PM
Dismissal for some students
3:40 PM
Outside Recess or Inside centers
4:15 PM
Small Group Activities (story, games, tabletop activities)
5:30 PM
Extended Care Closes